Theming Elements

Customizing the Look and Feel of quarto-webr Elements


James Balamuta


November 1, 2023


July 1, 2024


This section of the documentation is tailored to those with a deeper understanding of web design. If you’re new to these concepts, don’t worry; you can still create fantastic documents using the quarto-webr extension. This part is for those who want to take their styling to the next level and have knowledge of HTML and CSS.

On this page, we delve into the world of web design to enhance the visual aesthetics and styling of web-based documents created with the Quarto-WebR extension. While prior knowledge of these topics is not mandatory for using the extension, a good understanding can empower you to create documents that effectively convey valuable insights and captivate your audience with a visually appealing design tailored to your preferences. Whether you want to seamlessly integrate your document with your personal brand or align it with your organization’s style guidelines, this page serves as your expert guide, leading you through the process of crafting a visually captivating and cohesive user experience. The focus here is on explaining the HTML structure and predefined CSS classes that will help you achieve the visual results you desire.

CSS Class and ID Identifiers

To effectively style web-based documents created with the extension, you’ll need to understand the unique id and class attributes associated with different content areas. There are two key areas to every Quarto document that uses the quarto-webr extension: header and code cells. The header is where status and debug information can be found whereas the code cell portion is where R code is actively run using webR.

Let’s turn our attention to the document’s header. By default, the webR initialization state is displayed in the header. This can be turned off by setting the show-startup-message: false meta option..

  • Status Area: This represents the area we dynamic add to the document using JavaScript and stores the Status Title and Status Message
    • id: #qwebr-status-message-area
  • Status Title: This element contains the header of the status text.
    • id: #qwebr-status-message-title
  • Status Message: This element is updated with the document status updates.
    • id: #qwebr-status-message-body

With this in mind, we next focus on improving how content is being displayed through code cells. There are two primary context types where code content is displayed to users:

  • Interactive Area: This area encompasses the Code Editor, Code Output, and the Graph Output Area under the interactive context.
    • id: #qwebr-interactive-area-{{ID}}
    • class: .qwebr-interactive-area
  • Non-Interactive Area: This includes the Code Output and the Graph Output Area under the output context.
    • id: #qwebr-noninteractive-area-{{ID}}
    • class: .qwebr-noninteractive-area

Within the interactive section, you’ll find elements that are displayed when users request results:

  • Run Button: This button triggers the execution of your R code.
    • id: #qwebr-button-run-{{ID}}
    • class: .qwebr-button-run
  • Console Area: This area contains the Code Editor and Code Output.
    • id: #qwebr-console-area-{{ID}}
    • class: .qwebr-console-area
  • Code Editor: You use this area to input and edit your R code.
    • id: #qwebr-editor-{{ID}}
    • class: .qwebr-editor

Across both contexts, you’ll find shared output element classes and names:

  • Code Output Area: This is where the results and output of your R code are displayed.
    • id: #qwebr-output-code-area-{{ID}}
    • class: .qwebr-output-code-area
  • Code Output Standard Output: Results from standard output (STDOUT) are stored here.
    • id: #qwebr-output-code-stdout-{{ID}}
    • class: .qwebr-output-code-stdout
  • Code Output Standard Error: Each line of results from standard error (STDERR) when running your code is stored here.
    • id: #qwebr-output-code-stderr-{{ID}}
    • class: .qwebr-output-code-stderr
  • Graph Output Area: Any graphical output of your R code is displayed in this area.
    • id: #qwebr-output-graph-area-{{ID}}
    • class: .qwebr-output-graph-area

The {ID} in these identifiers represents the instance of the element on the page, whether it’s the first, second, or nth occurrence. You can customize their appearance by targeting the specific id or class attributes in your document’s CSS, or you can include a separate CSS file to align with your design preferences.

CSS & HTML Structure

Interactive Area Structure

<div id="qwebr-interactive-area-{{ID}}" class="qwebr-interactive-area">
  <button class="btn btn-default qwebr-button-run" disabled type="button" id="qwebr-button-run-{{ID}}"></button>
  <div id="qwebr-console-area-{{ID}}" class="qwebr-interactive-area">
    <div id="qwebr-editor-{{ID}}" class="qwebr-editor">
      <div class="monaco-editor ..."></div>
    <div id="qwebr-output-code-area-{{ID}}" class="qwebr-output-code-area" aria-live="assertive">
      <pre style="visibility: hidden"></pre>
  <div id="qwebr-output-graph-area-{{ID}}" class="qwebr-output-graph-area">

Non-interactive Area Structure

<div id="qwebr-noninteractive-area-{{ID}}" class="qwebr-noninteractive-area">
   <div id="qwebr-output-code-area-{{ID}}" class="qwebr-output-code-area" aria-live="assertive">
   <pre style="visibility: hidden"></pre>
  <div id="qwebr-output-graph-area-{{ID}}" class="qwebr-output-graph-area" aria-live="assertive">

Custom Embedded Styles

For instance, you can insert new CSS elements by using the following method:

.qwebr-code-output-stdout {background-color: powderblue;}
.qwebr-button-run   {color: blue;}

External Theme Support

Furthermore, if you are using a Quarto theme, you can make use of theme-specific styling options to ensure that these UI elements align with the overall theme of your document.

title: My post
      - cosmo
      - custom.scss

Light and Dark Mode

The Monaco editor used by {quarto-webr} to power interactive code cells respects Quarto’s light and dark theme modes. To apply light and dark themes on a Quarto website, specify the following settings in the _quarto.yml configuration file:

  light: cosmo
  dark: darkly

Once set, a clickable toggle will appear on the page that can switch between these modes. This toggle modifies CSS classes on the body HTML element, adding .quarto-light for light mode and .quarto-dark for dark mode.


The Monaco editor’s theme automatically adjusts based on the document’s theme. It uses a light theme (vs) in light mode and a dark theme (vs-dark) in dark mode.


For RevealJS, please note you may only specify a single RevealJS theme at a time. We recommend specifying either default (for light mode) or dark (for dark mode).

    theme: default

This Quarto extension is open source software and is not affiliated with Posit, Quarto, or webR. The extension is at best a community effort to simplify the integration of webR inside of Quarto generated documents.