Deployment Templates


October 1, 2023


July 1, 2024

Discover a range of sample deployment templates for the community quarto-webr extension at our GitHub repository. These templates serve as convenient starting points for various web-based projects that harness the power of the quarto-webr extension, enabling interactive data analysis inside of a web browser. Whether you’re embarking on an individual report, creating an interactive website, or compiling a digital book, these templates simplify the process, making it effortless to kickstart your own projects.

HTML Document Template

This template is designed for creating standalone HTML documents with interactive webR functionality. It’s suitable for individual reports or interactive documents.

  • Example: You can find an example of an HTML document template here.
  • Source Code: Access the source code for this template here.

RevealJS Presentation Template

This template is designed for creating standalone RevealJS presentations with interactive webR functionality. It’s suitable for creating lecture slides.


This template requires a pre-release version of Quarto that is 1.4.502 or greater that contains an updated copy of pandoc. For more details, please see Issue #14.

  • Example: You can find an example of a RevealJS presentation template here.
  • Source Code: Access the source code for this template here.

Website Template

This template is meant for building interactive websites with multiple webR-powered pages. It’s ideal for websites that have multiple piece of web content that requires interactive data analysis at the “top-level”.

  • Example: Explore an example of a website template here.
  • Source Code: Access the source code for this template here.

Blog Template

For users who want to periodically use webR on their Quarto blog, please use the following template.

  • Example: Explore an example of a blog website template here.
  • Source Code: Access the source code for this template here.

Book Template

The book template is designed for creating interactive web-based books or documentation. It allows you to compile a collection of chapters, sections, and interactive content into a cohesive digital book.

  • Example: You can view an example of a book template here.
  • Source Code: Access the source code for this template here.

This Quarto extension is open source software and is not affiliated with Posit, Quarto, or webR. The extension is at best a community effort to simplify the integration of webR inside of Quarto generated documents.