Hiding and Executing Code

Perform Non-interactive Computations


James Joseph Balamuta with contributions from Adam Loy


September 14, 2023


October 14, 2024

In the community quarto-webr extension, you have the ability to execute code cells without displaying the code or its output. This feature can be particularly useful for preloading variables, loading and wrangling datasets, creating visualizations, or checking student solutions without revealing the code to end users.

Using the context Option

Withholding code from the user requires the use of a custom quarto-webr cell option called context. The context option is unique to quarto-webr as it extends the capabilities beyond Quarto’s built-in cell options.

There are three different contexts supported by quarto-webr. By default, the interactive context is used if the context option is not specified in the code cell. These options are summarized in the table below:

quarto-webr Context Quarto Cell Option Description
interactive (default) include: true Show both code and results
output echo: false Suppress showing code, but display the results
setup include: false Suppress showing both code and results

Please note that the contents of the hidden code cell can be viewed if the web page’s source code is inspected.

“setup” - Hidden Evaluation and Output

You can create hidden setup code cells within your document using the special comment #| context: setup. The code within these cells executes discreetly in the background without displaying the code or its output.

#| context: setup
meaning_of_life = 42

Once a context:setup is done running, the visual indicator will be removed from the document.

In the example above, we’ve pre-loaded the meaning_of_life variable with a value of 42. If you proceed to run the subsequent code cell, you’ll observe the value of meaning_of_life being displayed as 42.

#| context: interactive
#| autorun: true

By incorporating the setup hidden code cell for data loading and preprocessing, you enhance the user experience by providing them with an accessible and interactive environment for working with the data while maintaining a clutter-free and organized document structure.

“output” - Hidden Evaluation with Results Shown

You also have the choice of crafting an output-only code cell within your quarto-webr document, achieved by incorporating the special comment #| context: output. The code inside this cell executes quietly in the background and reveals its output when the execution is complete. The output can take the form of either text or graphics.

For instance, the following code cell suppresses the creation of the matrix; but, displays the end result.

#| context: output
mat2x2 <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4), nrow = 2)

In the next example, the code used to generate the graph is suppressed.

#| context: output
  mpg ~ wt,
  data = mtcars,
  col = "blue", 
  xlab = "Miles/(US) gallon",
  ylab = "Weight (1000 lbs)",
  main = "Miles per Gallon and Weight of Cars",
  sub = "Source: 1974 Motor Trend US magazine."

By using output code cells, you maintain a streamlined and comprehensible document, focusing on the outcome rather than the intricate data processing steps. This approach will enhance the readability and clarity of your content, making it more accessible and informative to your audience.

Sample Cases

Let’s explore some sample cases to see practical applications of the quarto-webr extension’s context option. These examples demonstrate how to effectively hide code and output in your Quarto documents, enhancing readability and interactivity. Each case showcases a different use of the context option, offering valuable insights into its versatility.

Hidden Loading of a Dataset

The setup hidden code cell is a powerful tool for seamlessly pre-loading and preprocessing an entire dataset within your quarto-webr document. This capability enables users to work directly with the loaded data without any distracting code or output.

In the following example, we demonstrate the process of loading and preprocessing a dataset. First, we download the dataset from an external source and save it as 'penguins.csv' in the virtual webR file system. Next, we read the data into a data frame named df_penguins. All these operations occur silently in the background, ensuring that your document remains clean and focused on the data’s application.

#| context: setup

# Download a dataset

df_penguins = read.csv("penguins.csv")

Next, let’s setup an interactive cell that can be modified and run.

#| context: interactive
# Display the head of the data

In this case, we may want to encourage the “Run code” functionality by having the interactive cell automatically run during document initialization by using #| autorun: true.

#| context: interactive
#| autorun: true
# Display the head of the data

If the setup code relies on specific R packages, we strongly recommend specifying the required packages in the document’s YAML. This approach informs users that the webpage is not yet ready and communicates a clear status update at the top. For example:

  packages: ['ggplot2', 'dplyr']

Learn more on the Using R Packages documentation page.

Hidden Summarization

You can use the output hidden code cell to generate summarized information about retrieved or manipulated data. This powerful feature enables you to process and summarize data without displaying the intermediary steps or code, keeping your document clean and focused on the results.

For instance, in the code cell below, we transform the mtcars dataset, converting variables, and then promptly produce a summary of the modified data.

#| context: output
mtcars2 <- within(mtcars, {
   vs <- factor(vs, labels = c("V", "S"))
   am <- factor(am, labels = c("automatic", "manual"))
   cyl  <- ordered(cyl)
   gear <- ordered(gear)
   carb <- ordered(carb)

Hidden Solution Checking of Student Work


Please be aware that any solution written in a webR hidden code cell can be obtained by viewing the document’s HTML source code. It is not recommended for formal assessments such as exams, quizzes, or homework.

In webR, you can check student answers by providing an answer key and a comparison function within the document.

For instance, you can create a solution data frame like this:

#| context: setup
answer_frame <- data.frame(
  problem = c("1a", "1b", "2"),
  answer = c(10, 2, 3/16),
  tol = c(0.001, 0, 1/32)

Next, define an internal check function:

#| context: setup
check <- function(problem, answer) {
  aframe <- answer_frame
  if(!problem %in% aframe$problem) {
    error_msg <- paste0("Please enter a valid problem. (", paste0(aframe$problem, collapse = ","), ")")

  solution <- aframe[which(aframe$problem == problem), "answer"]

    all.equal(answer, solution, tolerance = 0.001) == TRUE,
    "Correct! Well done.",
    "Incorrect! Good attempt. Let's try again?"

Students can then compare their answers to the answer key using the check() function.

For example, consider the question:

What is 9 + 1?


With hidden code execution and solution checking, webR provides a powerful tool for creating interactive and educational content within your Quarto HTML documents.


This Quarto extension is open source software and is not affiliated with Posit, Quarto, or webR. The extension is at best a community effort to simplify the integration of webR inside of Quarto generated documents.